Google will significantly increase the rank of mobile-friendly websites, starting April 21. For every website that goes up, some must go down. This means that the rank of websites which are not considered mobile-friendly by Google will decline sharply. What does all this mean? Mobile-friendly websites will become much more popular, and mobile unfriendly websites will lose popularity, as well as customers. Website owners who put the effort or money into making their websites from long ago are finally getting the recognition they deserve, but those going down in the ranking will unfortunately suffer from reduced traffic. This is a big deal.

Google said in an e-mail:
‘Starting 21 April, Google Search will be expanding its use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. Double-check and your other sites are ready for this change by testing pages of your site with the Mobile-Friendly Test tool. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in Google Search results. Users will find it easier to get relevant, high quality search results optimised for their devices.’
Fortunately, is ready.
For many years, browsing on cellphones has been a hard task. For many people, it was simply not feasible until HD phones became mainstream a few years ago. Unfortunately, it is still unpleasant to browse the Internet on these tiny devices (this may have partly motivated the interest in phablets, due to their larger screens). Many responsive websites have done a great job of addressing that problem. Instead of simply sending users to useless mobile versions of their websites, webmasters/website owners have resorted to responsive universal designs that resize themselves to fit small screens, whether or not they identify themselves as mobile.
Responsive designs are more convenient, partly because they don’t entail maintaining two websites. Now that you’re convinced that responsive is best, you may be wondering how to make your website responsive? There is a variety of ways to do this, and don’t worry: You won’t have to cripple your website to a barebones design. Google provides some helpful guidelines. Users of WordPress, Joomla, and other content management systems needn’t feel left out by that tutorial, as they can easily make their websites responsive too. There are countless responsive WordPress themes in the WordPress directory, at SiteOrigin, ThemeForest, among others.
There are also helpful tricks such as the CSS media query which will enable you to display or hide widgets and advertisements based on screen size, to ensure that those enormous ads you were sporting don’t screw up your mobile experience. As is the case with everything, there is a bad side. Businesses which have not made their websites mobile friendly yet will suffer unless they make the investment to redesign their websites. To be honest: The vast majority of websites could benefit from an update. Don’t you think? For those that can afford it, it is a good excuse to modernize their websites with modern responsive AngularJS widgets, those blurred backgrounds that have been popping up on websites around the world, and floating amenities.